COVID 19 Vaccines Brought to You

We have Moderna & Pfizer mRNA vaccines and boosters. Vaccines are administered safely in-home or on-site by Dr John Horning, a veteran board certified emergency medicine physician. For your increased safety, we recommend vaccine administration outdoors, weather permitting. We offer primary series and booster doses with our mobile service. 

This service includes an initial physician medical assessment by Dr. John. An opportunity is provided for patients to have their questions answered and to learn about options and what to expect after vaccination. Patients are then scheduled. A series of questions and patient demographics must be entered in the CalVax online database, as required by California State for each administered vaccine. The doctor will then arrive at the patient's home at the scheduled time, bringing the vaccine, along with medication and equipment for patient safety in case an allergic reaction develops after vaccination, which is rare. The doctor remains nearby or on-site for 15-30 minutes after vaccine injection. Again, serious allergic reactions to the Moderna vaccine are extremely rare. The physician house call visit takes approximately 30-60 minutes. For more about COVID 19 vaccination, please see the CDC website.

The vaccine/boosters are currently provided free of charge by the US government. So, for now, we do not charge for the vaccine itself or for administration. We charge for our work and the time required, including for provider travel, to get the vaccine delivered to patients safely and conveniently in their home. We do not work with any insurance providers and cannot guarantee that insurers will cover this convenient mobile service.

Our vaccination service is currently available throughout the San Francisco Bay Area. 

For mobility challenged patients, we recommend checking with your county public health department first to see if these services are being offered for free.